Designed for the student interested in a career in the health care field. The Professional Health Careers Academy will introduce the student to professional health careers through course work and internshipsin health care facilities. In the first nine weeks students will learn how to take vital signs, perform Basic Cardiac Life Support (CPR) and First Aid, how to communicate effectively with patients and many other important skills in health care. The rest of the school year is a combination of course work, college credit and internships at the area health care facilities. Through this program students will have the opportunity to sharpen their teamwork and leadership skills through the student organization Health Occupations Students of America. The student will earn direct college credit through Lake Michigan College while enrolled in PHCA. The student interested in this program should have a strong background in science.
Direct College Credit through Lake Michigan College
- Medical Terminology
- Health and Health
- First Aid
- College and Career
- Anatomy and Physiology
Careers Opportunities in Health Care:
- Nursing
- Nursing Assistant
- Physician
- Therapy and Rehabilitation
- Veterinary Services
- Dentistry
- Laboratory Science
- Podiatry
- Vision related services
- Health Information
The program is a half-day program that meets off-campus in the morning.
An application and interview is required for admittance into the program.
Things you should know:
A student entering a health care field will work with a wide variety
of people and cultures. People skills is a must for health care
workers. Health care providers also work in a variety of settings.
All health care providers will be expected to pass a criminal
background check and pass a drug screen.
Crosswalk Credit
Professional Health Careers Academy will cover the Math 12 requirement.