Welcome to the College and Career Center! This space is open to juniors and seniors for the purpose of obtaining college, career, and scholarship information, studying, and a place to spend time when they do not have to be in class. We are located in room 67 of Niles High School. Sophomores and freshmen are welcome to stop by between classes, during their lunch, or at the suggestion of their teacher or parent to request a meeting with the College and Career Adviser.
Mrs. Jenny Bierwagen, one of the NHS guidance counselors, is happy to work along side Jacob Brown in operating the Center and meeting student needs.
For Seniors -
Congratulations to the class of 2025! Welcome to your last year of high school! This will be a year of putting into action all of those plans you have been making for after high school. Please feel free to use the College and Career Center at any time. If you are unsure what you are doing after high school, that is ok! Come see one of us to help you in this area. If you are applying to college soon, please check out the links on under the Guidance/Counseling Tab. You are strongly encouraged to listen to announcements regarding college visits. We expect to welcome over 30 colleges, universities, and trade programs into the CCC this fall. Sign up to come learn more about your options!
For Juniors - Congratulations on becoming upperclassmen! We look forward to seeing you in the College and Career Center this year. Not sure what kind of information you can find here? Just ask, we are happy to show you around. There are filing cabinets full of college and scholarship information. We have a computer cart where you can check out a computer to do some exploring online. There are a wealth of resources at your finger tips here to help you prepare for senior year and the post-secondary world!
For Sophomores - It is great moving up in status isn't it? We enjoy completing Xello (a college and career readiness program) and helping you build your Educational Development Plan (EDP). Let us know if you have any questions as you begin to research your options for after high school.
For Freshmen - Welcome to Niles High School! The most important thing this year will be building a strong foundation in your class work and earning all of your credits. Start out with a strong GPA as it will help keep your options open when senior year rolls around. As you approach the end of your freshman year, you might want to stop in the CCC to learn more about summer opportunities for camps and work available to you.