Leadership/Summer Opportunities

There are various leadership opportunities throughout Niles High School. Have you considered...
Becoming a club officer?
Being Captain of your team?
Taking part in Student Council?
Starting a new school club?

Many of our clubs have a strong emphasis on leadership. National Honor Society, Key Club, FFA, and Business Professionals of America (BPA) are a few examples.

Be sure to check the school website, twitter, and sign up for announcements on how to get involved! Being involved in high school is something that always looks good on a resume and on college applications.

Many organizations send us information on leadership opportunities outside of the school. We are happy to pass along the information, but we do not necessarily endorse these outside activities.

Summer Opportunities

Washington University in St Louis - for 10th-12th grade students who are academically talented and want to get an early college experience. Multiple opportunities available.

Purdue University Northwest - various experiences for middle and high school students. Sports camps, college prep, leadership http://www.pnw.edu/educational-opportunity-programs/ets/summer-programs/

Northern Michigan University - Environmental Science Camp for high school students going into 10, 11, or 12th grade. http://www.nmu.edu/seaborg/environmental-science-camp

Standford University Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes - for students age 14-17. 3-4 Week Intensive study in the course of your choosing. Some examples are biotechnology and entrepreneurship. program designed for you to explore courses and get an idea of college life. Some financial aid is available. Check out summerinstitutes.stanford.edu/

Calvin Young Women's Business Institute - for girls going into their junior or senior year who are interested in business. This is a free opportunity (only excluding travel to Calvin and personal expenses). Young ladies from NHS have gone and loved this camp! calvin.edu/centers-institutes/calvin-center-innovation-business/young-womens-business-institute/

Calvin College Entrada ScholarsProgram for Ethnic Minority Students - for students in their Junior or Senior year who have a 3.0+ GPA. Earn college credit and be become eligible for Calvin Scholarships. http://calvin.edu/entrada

American Legion - Boy's State & Girl's State - training in city, county, and state government. Held on Michigan State University's Campus. Mrs. McHale's daughter attended this and she would be happy to speak with you about it. More info can be found online-http://www.boysandgirlsstate.org and http://www.michalaux.org

Michigan Youth Leadership Training Camp. Camp Tuhsmeheta in Greenville, MI. Cost in the past has only been $20. For more info go to http://miylt.org

Michigan State University - summer tech camps - game design, website design, digital media... 7-12 grade. http://tism.msu.edu/camps

New York University - rising 11th and 12th graders. Earn college credit and experience college life. Over 30 subjects of your choice available. http://www.nyu.edu/precollege

Barnard - New York City - 11th and 12th grade students, 1 or 4 week programs. Multiple opportunities available. http://www.barnard.edu/summer

Pratt Institute- Pre-College - for Art, Design, Architecture, or Creative Writing. http://www.pratt.edu/precollege

Miami University-Oxford, OH - Summer Scholars Program Current Sophomores and Juniors, 2 Week Camps. http://miamioh.edu/summerscholars

Michigan Tech - Summer Youth Programs and the Center for Pre-College Outreach - multiple opportunities available, especially for those interested in Engineering. We have had students attend these camps before and come highly recommended! http://www.mtu.edu/precollege

OTIS - Summer of ART - in Los Angeles for students 15 and older who want to study at an Art College http://www.otis.edu/SO

Cleveland Institute of Art - two - four week Pre-College residential program for sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, for students interested in pursing art/design degrees. Earn college credits.


Marist- Summer Pre-College Program for juniors and seniors. New York and Italy. 13 academic programs to choose from. http://www.marist.edu/PreCollege

IUSB - Reading Skills and Speed Reading programs for Children & Adults 1-800-978-9596 call to inquire

Notre Dame's Pre College Summer Programs- Leadership, Study at Notre Dame or in Italy or Ireland Check Out: http://precollege.nd.edu

Girls - Summer Scholars via Joyce Ivy Foundation: Scholarship available - Deadline March 1st. Rising 10th & 11th grade girls. Spend the summer at elite Universitieshttp://joyceivyfoundation.org

For sophomores: HOBY Leadership summer time opportunity in various locations throughout Michigan and the country. Check out: http://www.hoby.org/

For sophomores, juniors, seniors: The Reynolds Young Writers Workshop @ Denison Application Deadline March 5th Program Check Out: http://reynolds.denison.edu

Foreign Exchange/Overseas Studies

Youth for Understanding - Foreign Exchange opportunity for USA students. They also have scholarships available for students to be able to participate. Check Out: http://www.yfu.org/

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